Monday, December 31, 2007

The Corporation (Film)

I believe everyone that has more than three brain cells and takes economics at our school should take the time to watch this movie, it is an excellent reminder of what corporations are responsible for and what we can do as individuals as well as some very real dangers our generation is going to face. Plus it has an interview with Milton Friedman so that alone makes it worth watching.

Here is the link for the torrent of this movie, use a program like azureus to download the actual thing.

Youtube link

From the official website:

About the Film

WINNER OF 26 INTERNATIONAL AWARDS! 10 Audience Choice Awards including the 2004 Sundance Film Festival.

Provoking, witty, stylish and sweepingly informative, THE CORPORATION explores the nature and spectacular rise of the dominant institution of our time. Part film and part movement, The Corporation is transforming audiences and dazzling critics with its insightful and compelling analysis. Taking its status as a legal "person" to the logical conclusion, the film puts the corporation on the psychiatrist's couch to ask "What kind of person is it?" The Corporation includes interviews with 40 corporate insiders and critics - including Noam Chomsky, Naomi Klein, Milton Friedman, Howard Zinn, Vandana Shiva and Michael Moore - plus true confessions, case studies and strategies for change.

"AN OVERWHELMING AMOUNT OF OUTSTANDING EXTRAS, there is basically another 6-hour (!) documentary included." MovieFreak

Along with the groundbreaking 145-minute theatrical version of the film, the two-disc DVD has eight hours of never-before-seen footage. In addition to two commentary tracks, deleted scenes, and Q's-and-A's, 165 new clips and updates are sorted "by person" and "by topic." Get the details you want to know on the issues you care about. Then, check out the web links for follow-up research and action.

THE CORPORATION is Canada's most successful documentary... EVER!

The film is based on the book The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power by Joel Bakan.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

ok boss and friends i was reading this article in Esquire(lame,i know) and found it nice,so i thought of sharing a bit of some peoples' wisdom with you:)
here goes:

Happy Holidays!:D

Saturday, December 22, 2007

What happened to my staff?

It's Xmas vacations so, no excuses! You junior authors have the time to find interesting econ related or not material and let the rest of us enjoy!

What are you waiting for?

Thursday, December 20, 2007

The IB @ Moraitis Newsletter

The December 2007 issue of our newsletter is out. You probably still have a hard copy at home as your parents collected it together with your report card. Hopefully is was not thrown out by mistake. In case it was you can ask me for a hard copy or you can download it from here.

Some of your classmates feature in this issue so it is perhaps worth skimming through it!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Herald Tribune etc

Mostly for the guys who were out:

Today and yesterday we discussed the idea of you guys bookmarking on your συνδέσεις the International Herald Tribune. You could perhaps even have it as your initial explorer page. This would give you the opportunity to skim through the paper on a daily basis checking out whatever interests you. For example, if you are not going this Xmas to the Maldives maybe you should seriously consider it for next Xmas as the island may disappear if the sea level rise by one meter.

Also, dont forget Google News as it can be helpful even though it defeats the whole purpose of the internal assessment exercise.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Internal Assessment

Guidelines and the cover page can be found at our wiki.

I changed my mind: all trial commentaries will be on the same article suggested in class. No exceptions.

The whole point is to work on a common topic so that we can constructively criticize each other's our approach / work.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused. If those of you who initially had requested doing a different article would still like to also try something else they are more than welcome to give it a shot. We can then discuss the effort privately and if it is decent it could be used as a 1st commentary.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Santa Clauss is coming to town...!

You better watch out, you better not cry, better not pout, I'm telling you why:
Santa Claus is coming to town!

Well, I'm done and out with grading and I'd like to publicly congratulate Vasilis H., Maria-Nefeli T. and Achilles V. for very impressive performances on this examination! Bravo, 'ab imo pectore'! (always liked sexy Latin expressions...)

But, I'd like to congratulate even more so Frosini H., who despite joining us significantly later, managed to get the highest grade of all! Bravo dah-ling!

All of you (almost...) did well or very well. Overall, I'm very proud of this group as even some of the candidates who ended up with an 'F' showed that they have done significant work but perhaps underestimated the exam. Only in two two cases was I very unpleasantly surprised (expected both candidates to be A's) and in two others I feel a bit worried.

You all have lots of time to improve (and/or dazzle me even more). If you haven't done well don't worry too much: just get mad and start working harder and / or better, NOW!



Monday, December 10, 2007

Next stop: Economics

Well, I hope you all have been doing your work cuz you don't want Santa to get mad at you, do you?


1. Study definitions
2. Make sure you understand and you can draw each and every diagram in less than 20 seconds
3. Study the notes
4. Go through all the short essays and make sure you know the 'ingredients'


Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Summers on the US economy

"Wake up to the dangers of a deepening crisis": This is an article by Larry Summers published in the Financial Times on November 25 which I highly recommend (especially to any year 2 IB candidates who may be checking out this blog.

A year ago, Rolling Stone had an article by Paul Krugman on the US economy and the rising income inequality that is also interesting to read. It can be found here.
This is another 'blog' to keep an eye on: Economists' Forum

In this forum, some of the world's leading economists debate issues raised in columns by Martin Wolf, FT associate editor and chief economics commentator, and Lawrence Summers, Charles W. Eliot University Professor at Harvard University.
Participants include well-known commentators such as Jagdish Bhagwati, Brad Setser, Andrew Smithers, Dani Rodrik and Robert Wade; and two winners of the Nobel Prize in Economics; Edmund Phelps and Joseph Stiglitz.

Friday, November 23, 2007

The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money

Earlier today I asked Ms. Olga, our librarian, to order for us the new anniversary edition by Palgrave/ Macmillan of Keynes' General Theory with an introduction by Paul Krugman. It's perhaps the single most influential Econ book ever published, like his ideas or not.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The Gapminder World

I have no idea how I bumped into this but its really cool:)
You can really learn a lot from it (at least i did) and its really interesting to watch!
Check it out:

Click on the left to see Carbon emissions per country,womean labor force percentages and other raunchy stuff:)

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


no connection to economics - but, just couldn't resist. Those of you who have me in class may have realized that I am a bit wacky at times and, recently, my wackiness, is all King Julian.

Here he is - it's marvelous!

and, this is 'all the money'....:

I got 99 problems, but econ ain't one

I saw the post that Costas made in regards to other blogs and I wanted to add a few more, plus some links to a few non-fiction books I think IB econ kids would enjoy reading.

The other blog is Marginal Revolution run by two econ professors, which of course reminds me of a different dynamic duo. No, not the freakonomics guys, I mean those OTHER two guys.


wisdom of Crowds, Why the Many Are Smarter Than the Few and How Collective Wisdom Shapes Business.

The Tipping Point, by Malcolm GladwellThis one is becoming a standard at business schools, but it's really more than that. It's really inspiring to see how social sciences can be written up in an accessible manner. Plus, if you're a cool cat wearing some cool kicks, you'll be glorified by Mr. Gladwell.

Everything bad is good for you. read this if you play videogames, you'll have ammunition for fighting the man. The man being your resident IB coordinator and any sort of parental advisory circulating.

Understanding comics Really good, nothing to do with econ, but if you want a great overview of the history and structure of the narrative process, read it.



Subprime markets - what are they?

Elly V. made me aware of this video which is both hilarious and pretty sad if you think of the ramifications. Watch it! (Bird & Fortune: The Long John's)

Joe Stiglitz

Joe Stiglitz is, in my opinion, one of the finest in the profession. I did indeed talk a lot about Stiglitz in Vilma's class and I am really happy that it did make an impression on her and, hopefully, on others. Please do download the article from VF (perhaps the best magazine where Prada ads coexist with solid analyses of current events)and check it out. Unfortunately, we do not have access to the Economists' Voice as we do not as an institution subscribe to it so the article on the environment as not available to us from that site. You could though check it out from the Stiglitz home page (do visit, as there are plenty of easy to read op-eds and articles there as well as his professional papers) here.

Thanks so much dear Vilma!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Economic Consequences of Mr. Bush

I was surprised see in the latest Vanity Fair issue Joseph Stiglitz's article on how the Bush administration has destroyed the US economy with consequences that will be suffered by future generations.
Mr Ziogas introduced me to both VF and J. Stiglitz, and it all comes together now!

Oh, and if you're really into Stiglitz (I know mr Ziogas is!) check his
article on global warming.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Exchange Rates!

Today in class we did the basic analytics of exchange rate determination as one more application of demand - supply analysis. It's not the easiest stuff but our simple theoretical framework can explain the basics and there is a lot going on now in the world with the US dollar.

I also mentioned that there are zillios of articles, blog posts, papers on this issue available by clicking your mouse. I just checked out the NYT and it's leading with exactly the issue:

Check out:
Markets and Dollar Sink as Slowdown Fear Increases

Krugman in his blog has a theoretical model (not accessible to read - perhaps just bits and pieces) and another model (you probably noticed) related to the issue. A note to my male students: the second model is also not accessible but for different reasons....

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

This is the video I mentioned in class today after the exam:

The lyrics are found here.

Monday, November 5, 2007

A few more 'real' Economics blogs to bookmark

A recently brought to your attention Greg Mankiw's blog. Today I'd like to bring to your attention a few more that are interesting to check out regularly.

Dani Rodrik
A Harvard economist with seminal contributions in several areas especially development economics: 'Unconventional thoughts on economic development and globalization' is the heading in his blog. A must.

'Research-based policy analysis and commentary from Europe's leading economists'

Naked Capitalism

Brad DeLong
(Professor of Economics at the University of California at Berkeley)

(the book is good; I haven't really followed this one but I think I'll be checking it out here and there)

Dean Baker
always interesting...

Economics UK dot com
For my UK buffs: 'All the economics you need. Welcome to EconomicsUK, the personal website of David Smith, Economics Editor of The Sunday Times, London'

and, of course, Paul Krugman


Sunday, November 4, 2007

on the micro exam

I hope you're all working on our micro material these days as this is our first 'real' exam this year.


1. Study the issues trying to understand the logic behind each. You do not have to learn anything by heart but you do have to be precise in your language. This takes some practice.
2..Practice doing all the diagrams. Try to construct each in a step by step logical manner. Make sure you understand the meaning of each function you draw. You should be able to draw each very fast and efficiently. Remember that proper and full labeling is very important. Remember to use a ruler and a pencil and to have an eraser.
3. Make sure you can write the correct definition of each term. Definitions are building blocks in all essays.
4. Go over all the relevant past essays I've given you. Every single IB past exam essay from 1988 until now is available to you! Think of the definitions you should include, of the diagram(s), of (perhaps) any examples. Make sure you realize what the focal point of each question is. A dear colleague in another IB school of Athens calls this 'unlocking the question' (more important in Long Essays).

Do a decent job. It feels good at the end!
This is somewhat interesting. I had seen this before on the net and I just saw it again:

fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too. Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can. i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset nac eb a taotl mses and yuo cna sitll raed ti whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!

I got curious so I googled the issue and I got these links from Cambridge: The Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit at Cambridge is here and this is a page on exactly the stuff above.

(PS: if you want to waste more time check the links at Urban Legends; actually, do this after our exam)

Friday, November 2, 2007

Interactive Whiteboards...

...10 good reasons why to use interactive whiteboards in school...

Here they are:
In my opinion (and I’m not a salesman) these are 10 of the reasons why I believe teachers should use interactive whiteboards:

1. Kids love technology, just not geeky technology. Expensive technology that is used correctly and fasionably will attract a young persons attention.

2. It is a large object, a focal point with a lot of detail. A normal whiteboard is big but only as interesting as the ink on it. A digital interactive whiteboard can have interactive objects on it, widgets like clocks, calculators, news feeds. Give yourself an interesting (not mad) wallpaper for added effect, maybe a landscape view or a closeup of a texture, or water.

3. You can share your experiences of browsing the internet with your class. Instead of hiding behind your computer while browsing for that image that will help with the lesson, do that with the class, they may offer help. Browsing the internet is an activity that todays students are more than familiar with and is as natural as flicking through a book or browsing the library was in the 80s.

4. Interact with video in front of your class and ask on the fly questions, pause a video in front of the class by tapping it, turn around and ask a question about what just happened, or what is currently on the whiteboard, and then resume.

5. Use photographs, in the past it may have been necessary for you to print out a large colour copy of a picture at your expense and stick it on the wall. You may have had to illustrate a vehicle or device crudely on your whiteboard. Now you can open a file and the class can see exactly what you are talking about, photos are available from many sources online.

6. If you loved the lesson you just gave, and the answers that your class wrote on your whiteboard were excellent, simply save your digital flipchart. In the past you may have had to take a picture or crudely write the notes down between classes, now you can save the file and look at it later. It’s a good idea to tidy these kinds of notes up and reuse them for another lesson.

7. Resources. Whiteboard manufacturers will provide you with many resources with your whiteboard, and many others online or via resource CDs. These resources, such as backgrounds, shapes or characters, can be used to quickly build a lesson that looks very good. These resources are providing many teachers with new options, these teachers may not have had the artistic skills to present their lessons effectively before.

8. Interaction. Allow your students to use your interactive whiteboard. They can also take this opportunity to use the features in telling their own stories, or explaining their ideas. Your students, unfortunately, are probably better users of the whiteboards than you are.

9. Games are a fun activity, but also a great way to learn. Many flash activities exist that can help in the classroom and are also fun to play on a whiteboard. Games like sudoku, wordsearches, anagrams, speed math. Maybe organise the classroom into several teams and arrange activities for them.

10. Simplicity, the whiteboards are just an input device for your computer. If you can use a PC then you can use the interactive whiteboard. In fact, having such a large screen should make things easier for you. If you are confident with PCs then give it a go, if not then ask your IT department for a few pointers, or sign up for one of the many free IT workshops available that can help you develop your IT potential.

This is found at . For some reason the link doesn't load from here so copy it onto your browser's address link and then search for 'interactive whiteboards' to find the page.

At the movies!

This guy is great impersonating the guy that does the previews. He also does a mean Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Check him out:

Thursday, November 1, 2007


After today's lesson i did my research:

Τσάι και υγεία
Το τσάι, όπως και ο καφές, περιέχει καφεΐνη ή τεΐνη, που είναι το ίδιο συστατικό. Στον καφέ, η καφεΐνη απελευθερώνεται απότομα στον οργανισμό και δρά για περίπου 2-3 ώρες, ενώ στο τσάι απελευθερώνεται σταδιακά και δρά 6 με 8 ώρες. Γι’ αυτό λέμε ότι το τσάι διεγείρει χωρίς να εκνευρίσει

Click here and here.....


prisoner's dilemma

Prisoner's dilemma is of some high importance in Economics

Check out how it interacts with the increasing problem of climate change.

Note also how the notion of 'free rider' effect may set in, in cases other than economics, like this one regarding climate...

Click here!


Dear Facebook family: It may not be useful. It may not be interesting. But it is surprising. See how Facebook has done the last three years...

p.s. $15 billion (that says all....)

Monday, October 29, 2007

"education(?)" on the 21st Century....

A group of American students conducted a survey about modern university education... click to watch video... the lives of these students might remind you of your OWN'...

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Trade talks that were meant to help the poorest

International trade is not until next year but we will be discussing a few issues now and it would be a good idea if you slowly got acquainted with the big picture. This article is from the International Herald Tribune (which I see very few of you checking out on our lovely new couches in the Art building where past IHT and Economist issues can be found). Doha is the capital of Qatar and in 2001 it was there where the latest round of multilateral trade negotiations began under the WTO. Click, save, print, skim through and file the article.

Η ωραιότερη ιστορία του κόσμου του Βασίλη Μαυρογεωργίου

You guys are a bit too old (and/or not old enough..) for this one but if you have younger brothers/sisters have them go watch Η ωραιότερη ιστορία του κόσμου του Βασίλη Μαυρογεωργίου at the Εθνικό Θέατρο (παιδικό στέκι). The underlying issue (bridging the east and the west) transcends even our stuff...

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Absolutely amazing!

Vilayanur Ramachandran: A journey to the center of your mind

Please 'waste' 23 minutes and watch this video. It's fascinating (and, you'll have plenty to say in your TOK class...)

Quoting from TED:

V.S. Ramachandran is a mesmerizing speaker, able to concretely and simply describe the most complicated inner workings of the brain. His investigations into phantom limb pain, synesthesia and other brain disorders allow him to explore (and begin to answer) the most basic philosophical questions about the nature of self and human consciousness.

Low dollar helps fuel record high price for crude oil

Haris Kampouris brought this article to our attention. Most of the analytics behind it are rather simple:
Rising global crude oil demand, especially from the top consumers, the United States and China, has driven oil's current rally, helped by a weakening dollar and investment flows from pension and hedge funds into commodities and oil.

Price is rising because demand is rising (shifting to the right). China and the US are driving this increase in demand (China mostly because oil is an input in manufacturing and in the US also because of colder temperatures in the Northeast; the lower dollar as a reason is not yet accessible to year1 but the basic idea is that oil seems cheaper still to others as oil is priced in USD and the USD is depreciating. (think of a Hummer: it is priced in USD and if now you can buy a dollar with 0.71 euros instead of 0.80 euros, it is cheaper in Greece.......)

The supply side is also responsible:
Fears of a supply crunch have also helped the surge. The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries has signaled it is unlikely to increase supply further, and political tensions in the Middle East have increased investors' worries that some output could be disrupted

OPEC (a cartel that controls a significant chunk of world oil output) is saying that it won't raise output (so, price will not ease) and political tension in the ME area signal that producton and thus the flow of oil into world markets may be disrupted. So (back to demand), if it seems likely that price will rise in the foreseeable future then oil is a commodity that will become more valuable to possess in the future (so, it is bought and demanded now by investors).

It is also interesting that if you click on the right on the 'translate' link the same article opens up in a separate page but all words are 'hot' and clickable in a dictionary! Good for your English!

This could be a nice article for the Econ IA. More on this later.

Enjoy, and thanks to Haris.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Humanity's very syrvival is at risk....

Kostas Armenakis sent me this link and it's one more alarm perhaps worth paying some attention to. We'll be discussing a bit later the analytics of pollution and environmental costs and our treatment will help us put some perspective into the causes of this problem, possible solutions and why many of these are very difficult to adopt. For the time being, download the article, save it, print it, read it and file it! Also, contrast this view with the view that Achilleas Voutsinas posted for us (a video actually) in our ibecon wikispace.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

China Makes, the World Takes....

One of my previous sweethearts (Yiannis Pavlakis, 2007) now doing great stuff at a great town (Boston University) sent me this link. It's an article and a slideshow on what is going on in China. Worth your time! Enjoy dah-lings!

Remittances --> money sent back home

This is a chart from the Economist showing the $s remitted back home by migrant workers. This money can and does play an important role in the development process. More on this, later in our course. The link is here.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Economist Debate Series

I was checking out the current issue of The Economist and I bumped into this which could be of interest to some:

Last month, the editors of The Economist invited readers to choose the topic of our first debate. Your voices have been heard and your votes tallied.

The winning propositions are:

First Debate Oct. 15th-23rd, 2007, “Effectiveness of Technology - Does new technology add to the quality of education?”

2. “National Competitiveness - Should countries compete to attract qualified students regardless of nationality and residence?”

3. “Social Networking - Does it bring positive change to education?

Keep up with speakers' arguments, post opinions, and vote for or against the proposition

The link is here.

Monday, October 22, 2007

"Richistan": How the other 1 per cent lives

Who buys a 750,000$ watch? Why are seven years olds made to understand cost-benefit analysis? How many times the wage of his employee takes home the average American chief executive? U'll find that and much more at the:,,2131752,00.html

Friday, October 19, 2007

IB Teachers' team victorious in soccer game against IB students (candidates 2008)

Today, at the Karapialis Soccer Field the IB teachers' team defeated the IB students 4-2 after a very exciting game. Excellent defense, wise strategy against the younger but inexperienced players together with startling goals by coach Costas Sykiotis led to the final score.

In this picture, Agis Galopoulos displaying his skills against Nick Nicolaou.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

On the Econ Nobel

In today's class (I have no clue which section it was - I think it was the one I like - or was it the other one?) we had a discussion on this year's N prize. This link is the story in a nutshell (u better study what Chris and Agis teach u....)and this is the paper on the idea we talked about in class. It is not accessible to you (parts of it are not -anymore- accessible to me either....) but you may find sentences or paragraphs illuminating! This one is more accessible (it is meant to be) so check it out.

Mankiw's blog: a real economist and his thoughts

I do suggest that you visit and save N Greg Mankiw's blog. He's a prof at Harvard (the one at Cambridge Mass, not Mexico...) and has done lots of work in many areas of economics. He has also written an excellent introductory text that I used to assign for higher IB econ (decided on Krugman to check his out - he's also excellent). Following his blog will help you with your evaluation skills. so, plz, follow my advice!

Check this out!

I posted the Letterman video clip on Jules' blog so this is an opportunity to see the great job he's doing!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Everything you always wanted to know about Essays

Purdue University, USA, offers a tremendous Online Writing Laboratory. Look it up. It's as informative and helpful as it gets.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Extended Essays

It's very early to formally discuss the extended essay but it may be a good idea to download, save, print and skim through the new guidelines. They can be found here.

Moreib...another blog to check out!

Our own very special Spyros Kasimatis (aka PHILOLOGUS QUIDAM) has started another blog with very-very interesting posts. Do check out and bookmark moreib!

Friday, October 5, 2007

quiz 1 Hb....

What a fiasco! Never has a teacher handed out the answers instead of the exam itself! In any case (for the other section) the exam is here.

Friday, September 28, 2007


...someone remind me next week to explain the two exceptions to the law of demand and to show you the diagrams relating changes in the price of some x with the quantity demanded of some y. Thanks!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Visualizing Economics

Check out the site Visualizing Economics.

An interesting site displaying various sets of economic data (e.g. on poverty). The emphasis is on the US economy. You may explore issues like the "Sources of Income of the Super Rich (i.e. the Top 0,01 Percent)" graph, "Where do Britain's Poor/Rich Live?" and "The Highest Paid Athletes". Strangely, i'm not included in the latter group.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Cell phone use may slow brain function....

Just found this and I thought it may interest some of you. This is how the article starts:

There have been worries about cell phones causing brain cancer. And certainly everyone worries about driving behind the guy who's holding the steering wheel with his knees while tapping in a message on a wireless e-mail device.

But now hear this: Mobile phone use may cause a slowing of brain activity.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Steven Pinker and Sir Ken Robinson

Yesterday I decided to post on two talks by Steven Pinker, the MIT cognitive scientist, on two of his books, and one of Sir Ken Robinson (an expert in the field of 'creativity and innovation in education') challenging the way 'we' educate 'you'.

Neither has any explicit connection to economics (let alone IB economics) but I find them interesting and I decided to share them with you.

Anxious to hear your comments in class (or, here).

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Welcome #2

Well, today I got to meet Hb! You too looked fine like a fine bunch!

But I have to admit that I got a little bummed out when only 3 out of 16 had watched the Al Gore movie (An Inconvenient Truth).

More on this later. (CZ)

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Today I met some of you (Cand 2008; Ha) and you looked like a pretty interesting group. I hope that
  1. we manage to have fun
  2. you get to like Economics
  3. you earn the grades you deserve come July 5 2009

Tomorrow I'll meet Hb and I hope I get the same good vibes I got today.

Καλή μας επιτυχία!


Sunday, September 9, 2007

What's this all about?

...well, IB Economics!!

Here we plan on maintaining a list of interesting links for students taking IB Higher Level Economics or IB Standard Level Economics. It is primarily intended for our own students at the Moraitis School in Athens, Greece but anyone with an interest in the course is invited to follow this blog!

The blog is maintained by:
Constantine Ziogas,
Constantine Aivalis and
Christos Hatziconstantis